Sunday 29 November 2009

Awesome video!

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Lighting Diagrams

I was talking to Andy the other week and he gave me the link to a website that helps you create lighting diagrams.

To do this, you select the things you want in the diagram and drag them to where you want them. Once there, you can turn them around to get the angle correct. To save the picture, press the Print Screen button on the keyboard and open in it Paint. You can then add text to label the different things in the image. It is a very good website, but there was no icon to resemble the sun or a window for natural light, so I used the icon for a Tungstan light symbol instead. Below are a few diagrams to show the lighting set ups I used for some of my shoots. I have not used any studio lighting in my work, just natural light, so they are rather simple diagrams.



Sunday 1 November 2009

29/10/09 - Liquify in Photoshop

I went into the mac room today after taking pictures of the church with the 5x4 camera, and found Phil, Kirsty and Claire editing a photograph in photoshop. It was a portrait of a couple on their wedding day, and Phil was showing Kirsty how to get rid of wrinkles, smooth skin and thin down the models. I asked him how he was doing it, and he gave me the link to a video on Youtube. The man giving the tutorial starts with an average looking portrait of a blonde lady, and by using the Liquify filter on Photoshop, he thinned down her waist, tilted her head so it was straight and got rid of any imperfections. The best thing about this is that it shows you in a step by step guide on how to do it. The maker of the video even makes keyboard shorcuts pop up in the bottom left of the video to make things quicker. I shall be having a look at his other videos, here, and I think everyone else should to!